Socio-therapeutic camps for children between 6 - 16 years old.

Practice stays in our flat for people from 15 to 19 years old.

Individual assistance and support for young adults.
Socio-therapeutic camps

Our camps last 3 – 9 days and focus on working with small groups of children from the ages of 6 to 16 years old.
In our professional programs,we use many non-verbal expressive therapy techniques. We believe these therapies help to mitigate the consequences of emotional deprivation and strengthen the child’s inner ability to deal with their current situation. We place an emphasis on an individual approach towards children at our camps, with the goal of creating a stable, safe environment, which children can repeatedly visit.
Stays in the training flat

We have hosted a series of eight stays in our Prague training flat for small groups of youths from 15 to 19 years old.
During these stays young people learn how to draft a budget for the weekend, get orientated with Prague’s public transport system, go shopping, cook meals and take care of the training flat. In a practical and controlled way, they experience the topics which they will face after leaving the children´s home – money management, job and flat hunting, dealing with debts and other challenging life situations.
The goal is to strengthen their self-confidence and self-reliance, teach them greater responsibility, guide them in new and challenging situations, and improve their communications with new people (in banks, shops, during job interviews, skills training, etc.)
Young adults

We offer individual assistance and support for young people who are scheduled to leave their children’s home soon.
We provide employability support and social counselling (direct help with CV creation, orientation in the job market, help finding a flat, dealing with debts, registering for social benefits, etc.).
We also work to directly secure employment for our young adults. Thanks to our cooperation with specific employers, we can offer part- and full-time jobs tailoredto our client. If necessary, we help with the initial integration of our client and can coordinate necessary workplace adjustments.